Law Firms
Receivables Resolution Services

Many firms are challenged in their ability to achieve optimal realization from their client receivables and work-in-process portfolios. Proper resource deployment is the key to a successful internal collection effort.  Avoid the ”80/20 trap” by deploying the majority of your staff resources (80%) towards collecting the most delinquent (20%) A/R balances.  Instead – focus staff resources towards better servicing the attorneys and their prompt paying clients while choosing the cost-effective solution of utilizing our professionals to perform receivables resolution services in the name of your law firm for the more challenging client/matter balances.  

The Benefits of Hiring On-Site’s Professionals:

Resource Deployment and Portfolio Coverage

Law firms are now focusing their staff and partner resources towards current and/or performing client A/R.  They call on On-Site’s experts to resolve the more time consuming, problematic balances and to insure complete “coverage” of the AR and WIP portfolio.

Enhanced Cash Flow

We will convert a portion of your non/under-performing receivables into cash in a non-threatening manner.

Resolution vs. Collection

Our goal is to resolve problematic balances, not merely to collect receivables.  Detecting “structural” issues that historically impeded optimal realization rates are as important as collecting the money.


The attorney will always approve our recommended resolution strategy, in advance.


We are seasoned professionals with a proven track record of success in collecting professional services receivables. Our client list speaks for itself.

Cost Effectiveness

Because we are consultants, there is no employee-related expense. The bulk of our compensation is most often derived from contingency-fee commissions.


Our consultants will operate in the best interests of your entire firm. We eliminate politics from the process.

While we completely understand the sensitive nature of the attorney/client relationship, we also understand that you deserve to be paid for your services. We can provide you with a level of expertise and professionalism that will improve your cash flow without resorting to inappropriate collection tactics or alienating clients.

Law Firm Dissolution Services

When the decision was made by seventeen (17) law firms, including Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP (the largest law firm dissolution in U.S. history), to undergo dissolution (either in or outside of bankruptcy), each of them placed their trust in On-Site Associates to handle the collection of their client receivables and work-in-process portfolios. On-Site Associates believes that the most successful dissolution projects have the following characteristics: